Monday 27 April 2015

Internet Provider Finally Refunds Consumer

Melbourne based internet provider Planet ISP has refunded over AU$5000 to a customer whose mobile phone was stolen in South Africa in August 2012 but was subsequently used to make 92 unauthorised international calls.
The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) issued a Determination in May 2014 requiring the company to refund $5,115.26 for international call charges incurred and arising from these unauthorised calls. The TIO noted the customer reported the theft to Planet ISP on the day the phone was stolen, that Planet ISP did not act on the customer's request and subsequently debited the charges from the customer's bank account. Finally, Planet ISP did not make the payment to the customer as mandated by the Determination.
Only when the Australian Communications and Media Authority issued a remedial direction to Planet ISP in December 2014 for its failure to comply with the TIO Scheme -- and then indicated its intention to start legal proceedings -- has Planet ISP now refunded the money.
"The ACMA notes that the provider has now finally refunded payments made by the consumer for charges that should not have been incurred in the first place. However, it is disappointing that this outcome has been so unnecessarily drawn out"' said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.
"It is unacceptable for an internet or phone provider to disregard the decisions of the TIO and regard themselves as outside of the system," he added.

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