Monday 25 July 2016

Press conference of Daya Shankar's Wife

BJP leader on Sunday to discuss Dhayashankar Singh of BSP supremo nearly quarter-hour press conference. The BJP leader Mayawati Dhayashankar Singh fiercely whipped one hand, the BJP and the Samajwadi Party on the pretext of alleged Anderkhane agreement. But once again he 'Mayagiri' respect by showing respect to the goddess considered, but did not listen to honor Swati Singh. Rude comments that appeared to defend his party leader Mayawati's statement that Nasimuddin Dhayashankar daughter and wife did not.
Now everyone knows that the wife and daughter of Dhayashankar said Nasimuddin Produce. Swati Singh had asked the question, tell her where to present. Swati Singh accused Mayawati of political Swati Singh in conversation with me a while ago, Singh's wife Dhayashankar allegations were refuted.
She came to the press conference that he hoped the issue of Nasimuddin Siddiqui regretted that such statements will or will remove your. But she defended it clear that BSP Nasimuddin Siddiqui slogans were misinterpreted.
Mayawati alleged that Dayhashankr's mother, wife and daughter on the shoulder with the gun, BJP has been targeting. He alleged that the mother and daughter at the behest of the BJP has been further weakened the case Dhayashankar possible.
Mayawati is the verbatim statement,
He complained that my daughter made a complaint against Dhayashankar carried out against her because she spoke. To do this, the two women at the head of the country Mr. women. Their mentality stares devious ways.
 Also lost.

Women pride themselves before the Divine, making it ideal to say these things then she has been part of the personality. She may be the goddess of her party, but she is not a goddess to Swati Singh took his flag to bring a complaint against her husband.
Swati important thing is that when I asked this to be different from what the party and your battle is not giving a false impression? His reply was that the BJP has its own political battle and I do not have anything to do with it. This is my personal battle I am fighting for my daughter and mother. The Mayawati-law to say that I am politically motivated, things to be said about the honor of their women is exposed.

Swati Singh said he and his friends, his daughter is doing counseling. She is very upset by the incident and is not going to school. Their children are frightened. The following is a statement of Rita Bahuguna Joshi, BSP Devibkton these burnt the house of the Congress leader. It is also the case after news that local people in addition to the police, a security cordon around the house Dhayashankar Singh maintains.

Maywati Mayagiri another sample of the offer after the arrival of his government will be judged in this case. It is not just a political issue, but she is also an injury to a key.
Mayawati injury instead of your ego are known for. He did not want to leave the government after coming issue. He and his running footsteps Mishra already in the House have said openly that the party shall not be responsible if anything happens. To threaten the pay and unrestrained things clear that these Mayagiri insult excited Swati Singh broke the arrogance of Mayawati's elephant.
Swati Singh because they do not support the expelled BJP leader's wife as she looks, but why are correct. Dalits Dalit leaders like Mayawati allegedly used only to strengthen its image and its political interests have to. Nasimuddin statement defending himself on the issue of forming, are also lost support-tolerated.

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